Lost and Found on the Arkansas River

The Arkansas River hits its stride just when the weather suggests old man winter is just about ready to pay us a visit. When the leaves begin to change, get out and chase those browns as they prepare to spawn. And be ready to hook into a nice rainbow or two just for a change of pace. But, be aware that any measurable snowfall or slow-moving thunderstorm can blow out portions of the river for a couple of days. If that happens, be prepared to move upstream. That’s what we did.

Our Takes: Nymph drop offs and transition water between seems with stonefly imitations and baetis patterns. Then, work back through the water with a medium-sized streamer. If it is cloudy, choose a streamer that is dark colored. If it is sunny, go for the flashy stuff.

Nymphs: prince nymphs, psycho prince, two-bit hookers, hot wire stonefly (size 10-16); beadhead flashback pheasant tails, rs2, barr’s emerger, Cheesman emerger (16-20); graphic caddis, any caddis pupa pattern (16-18)

Dries: parachute adams, purple haze, extended body bwo (18-20); elk hair caddis, X-caddis (16-18) Fish 4x and 5x mono with dries and 4x-5x fluoro with nymphs. 5 or 6 weight rod.

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